woensdag 17 september 2008

Chinese for dummies

Today Steven and Jasper followed a speed course Chinese (Mandarin) in Ghent. It was more like a singing course with all these different intonations... It all sounds quite similar, but raising your voice or lowering it can result in a totally different meaning. I guess we'll have to practice on the plane. Steven learned some basic words and sentences to adress the audience during our gigs. That might be useful to break the ice.

Tomorrow we're off... We'd better eat some good ol' Belgian food like stoemp or Brussels sprouts for the last time in three weeks. After tomorrow it will be all dogmeat and fried scorpions and snake-sate. Yummie!

1 opmerking:

Fotograaf Gyselinck zei

In de jaren '43 aten we echte hutsepot met varkensoren en -poten en kat i.d.p.v. konijn. Waarom niet? Hond is mogelijk ook lekker. Maak vooreerst dat uw muziek wat overkomt... blaas, trek zing en klop maar zo dat ze er een puntje aan kunnen zuigen.